Frequently asked questions

What's your question?

Do you have a question about starting a business, financial matters, permits or another important topic? We've listed the most important questions for you.

As an employer, you can go to the Work Department (Afdeling Werk), for information and support in hiring job seekers. At the Work Department we believe in the power of people. Many employers are looking for a candidate who acts as a jack-of-all-trades. Unfortunately, today's supply-side labour market does not offer a solution to this demand. That is why we like to contact you to analyse the issue. Our specialists then get to work to establish a 'match,' looking, in particular, at the required skills and working environment. Based on this, candidates, with background information, are introduced without obligation. Realizing a win-win situation for both employer and candidate is the starting point.

The Participation Act is a Dutch legislation in which benefit recipients of governmental support achieve self-reliant citizenship. The task and implementation of this act is entrusted to municipalities and UWV (Employee Insurance Agency). The law provides for financial assistance to people who are (temporarily) unable to support themselves. For more information, see

Since 2013, the government and social partners – employers and employees – have joined forces for people with an (in)visible work disability. The starting point is the realization of an inclusive society so that this target group has paid work with regular employers. Would you like to know more about the Jobs Agreement, related schemes, eligible contributions and/or the possibilities of inclusive entrepreneurship? A specialist from WSP Breda  is happy to come by to tailor make a win-win situation!

Customisation is the credo of our services! There are numerous support options locally, regionally and/or nationally. These vary from a wage cost subsidy to eligible contributions for tailor-made training courses in combination with paid work. We always look at a win-win situation and try to create sustainable 'matches.' On behalf of the WSP Breda, we have sector-specific specialists who are happy to come by for a personal interview before creating a tailor-made process.

A trial placement is a useful tool to test whether the employer and candidate share reciprocal interest. The trial placement can be used for a maximum of one month. As a result, the candidate retains his/her benefits and has no consequences if there is no mutual click. Prior to the test placement, the specialist of the WSP Breda formulates clear goals and expectations with candidate and employer. As a result, expectations are well managed in advance so that one can work constructively towards a successful match.

The platform West-Brabant Werkt Door has been developed especially for job seekers and employers from the region. In a special portal – protected environment on the world wide web that makes the data untraceable – candidates and employers can meet in a relaxed way. Within this portal, vacancies become visible to job seekers and via the so-called 'candidate scout' it is possible to search for regional talent yourself. Of course, you can – if desired – always call upon one of WSP Breda’s specialists. Creating a profile is simple and completely free of charge.

If your company is based in the Netherlands, you must prioritize hiring European staff—thus, from the Netherlands, the rest of the EU, the European Economic Area (EEA) and Switzerland—before you can recruit from outside of Europe. In addition to having to prove that there is no appropriate European candidate, non-European employees must have a work permit (tewerkstellingsvergunning TWV) or a ‘single work permit’ which is a combined residence and work permit (Gecombineerde vergunning voor verblijf en arbeid, GVVA). These are not required for European workers. For more information about permits and employing non-European staff, see and IND.

When moving to the Netherlands, highly skilled migrants have tax advantages and benefit from a 30% reimbursement ruling.  Providing certain requirements apply, an employer can grant a tax-free allowance equal to 30% of the gross salary, subject to Dutch payroll tax. The employer is usually responsible for applying for this reimbursement on behalf of the employee, which is granted for a total of five years. Application is made through the Dutch tax authority (Belastingdienst). For more information, visit

Are you an international employee working in the Netherlands and do you want to know whether you meet the conditions to apply for the 30% ruling? Then, we strongly advise you to read more about this on the Belastingdienst website.

To get a valid resident permit, you will need to take a civil integration course (inburgering). The IND (Immigratie en Naturalisatiedienst), the Immigration and Naturalisation Service, a Dutch government agency that handles the admission of foreigners in the Netherlands. Visit IND for more information about integration in the Netherlands.

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We are happy to help you with any questions you may have about doing business in Breda and offer the help you need.

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